Every life is beautiful. There is a lot of advocates for Right to Life and such saying things like that. While I am strongly against abortion, myself, I think that we also need to think about people a little older. Like teens. Teens that are trying to commit suicide.
I strongly believe that every life is beautiful. That includes both the unborn, and the born.
This is something that has been on my mind for several months, and recently brought back up, because the topic of suicide struck a little too close to home. There is a girl in my life that is struggling with a lot of things right now, and she recently confessed to her friends and family that she has attempted suicide in the past.
This particular girl is a few years older than me, and I have know her all my life. When I was little I really looked up to her. But in the last few years she became someone else. Someone she's not. Someone that I didn't want to be. And I'll admit, I judged her. I judged her friends, what she wore, and the path she was taking. But it didn't occur to me that maybe what she needed was a loving friend and most of all, God. And that is what every one needs.
Too often we judge people without knowing or caring about their story. We don't know what they've been through, and we judge them. They don't need judgement, they need God.
So what I'm trying to say is maybe we can spread the love of God, and the love for life, not only to the unborn, but to everyone. I'm not saying the babies aren't important, but if we only focus on their life while they are in the womb, they may be born, and grow up to be a teenager, and kill themselves before they can do what God meant them to do.
So I will leave you on this note: EVERY life is beautiful. And that includes you and me.