R.I.P. to those on the Edmund Fitzgerald.
Alphabetical list;
3rd Mate: Michael Armagost
Porter: Frederick Beetcher
Oiler: Thomas Bentsen
1st Assistant Engineer: Edward Bindon
Mantainence Man: Thomas Borgeson
3rd Assistant Engineer: Oliver Champeau
Porter: Nolan Church
Watchman: Ransom Cundy
2nd Assistant Engineer: Thomas Edwards
2nd Assistant Engineer: Russell Haskell
Chief Engineer: George Holl
Deck Hand: Bruce Hudson
2nd Cook: Allen Kalmon
Wiper: Gordon MacLellan
Special Mantainence Man: Joseph Mazes
1st Mate: John McCarthy
Captain: Ernest McSorley
Wheelsman: Eugene O'Brien
Watchman: Karl Peckol
Wheelsman: John Poviach
2nd Mate: James Pratt
Steward: Robert Rafferty
Deck Hand: Paul Riippa
Wheelsman: John Simmons
Watchman: William Spengler
Deck Hand: Mark Thomas
Oiler: Ralph Walton
Cadet: David Weiss
Oiler: Blaine Wilhelm
All Names and Occupations courtesy of S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald Online
Once again, rest in peace, 'at the bottom of Superior's ice water mansion'. (Quotation marks are lyrics from Gordon Lighfoot's The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald)