Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I don't like this winter!

Tonight, some of my friends and I are supposed to have a sledding party. It's 43°F and climbing. I don't think there'll be too much snow by tonight. *Sigh*
It's like this; Snow, melt, snow snow, melt, snow snow snow, melt melt melt. And it's been like that all winter long! I repeat, *Sigh*.
See ya later!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Don't let the government take over the internet! If SOPA and PIPA go through, there will be no Wikipedia, Google, Blogger (it's powered by GOOGLE!), eBay, Craigslist, and many other free websites. Tell the government that you don't want SOPA and PIPA to go through! Google has a petition here: https://www.google.com/landing/takeaction/. Or you could send an e-mail to your representatives, or call them. I signed the petition and e-mailed my representatives. What will you do to stop SOPA and PIPA? I'm challenging you to do something!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dune Climb

Here's today's story.
   "Emily, how much farther is it?" I asked my sister one day when we were hiking to a picnic spot she wanted to go to.
   "Not much farther, Opal!" Emily called back from her perch on one of the many dunes that surrounded us.
   "Where is it?!" I questioned. All I saw were dunes. There wasn't any good picnic spots anywhere close to here. Or so I thought.
   "Just over this dune!" Emily said. I started running up the sand hill that people called dunes.
   "Oh! Is it that flat spot right there?" I asked Emily.
   "Yeah, Opal. Isn't it so pretty?" Emily replied.
   "Oh, yes it is! And in a few minutes, there'll be a magnificent sunset," I said.

   Emily and I sat down after we spread out the picnic. Just then, from the direction of the bay, came three girls who looked quite weary.
   "Who are they? They don't look familiar, and it's way to early for any new settlers. It looks like their even wearing trousers, but they clearly have long hair!" I asked my sister.
   "I don't know, Opal. I know just as much as you do!" Emily said.

   Soon the girls reached where we were having our picnic. "Who are you?" I asked them.
   "I'm Hannah, this is Jessica, and this is Mia. They're my sisters," the oldest girl said.
   "Hello. My name is Emily, and this is my younger sister, Opal," Emily introduced herself.
   "Hi. Pleased to meet you," I said.
   "You too," Hannah said.
   "Hannah, I wanna go home! This isn't anywhere near our house, I'm sure of it!" Jessica whined.
   "Yeah, Hannah, I want to go home!" Mia echoed her older sister.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Where I live, it's snowing. What a great way to start the year... Some people might not agree though.
20 posts since July. That's not too bad, but this year, it should be (at least) 52 by the end of December.
See ya soon!